2017-07-17 11:50
商 业教练是企业教练技术在商业模式领域的应用。企业教练技术最早起源于20世纪90年代的美国,它将体育界教练训练运动员的方式移植到企业中,并很快发展成 为一种风靡欧美的企业训练技术。波音、麦当劳、BP石油等众多国际性企业都纷纷用这种新兴技术训练团队。随着教练技术的日趋成熟和在多种细分领域的应用, 国际上开始出现了若干专业领域教练,如管理教练、营销教练、业绩教练等。
In a study that involved 803 financial advisors, 22% of those surveyed paid for business coaching services within the last three years. Taking into account the three financial advisor business models, a quarter of investment managers, 17% of wealth managers, and 13% of financial advisors in multi-family offices used paid business coaches. Paid coaching can take a number of forms from one-on-one meetings, coaching programs with multiple attendees, and telephone and E-coaching.
business coaching service 商业教练服务
take sth into account 考虑到.....
attendee 出席者
Many financial advisors have embraced coaching for a number of reasons such as having a better work/life balance. However, most financial advisors purchase coaching services with the intent of becoming more successful. This can mean a number of things such as more assets under management, working with wealthier clients, and, often critically, becoming wealthier in their own right.
那么,这些种类繁多的教练课程效果如何呢?研究发现,这些教练课程对某些理财师来说可能是浪费金钱与时间,没有让他们变得更成功。但往往这种结果是由于教练服务的质量抑或理财师缺乏动力, 没有持续坚持跟进导致的。一位在加利福尼亚州圣路易斯奥比斯堡授课的领导力教练查尔斯•费尔特曼(Charles Feltman)认为,最大的误区莫过于期望立竿见影。另外一类严重的错误是不认真对待课程,或缩短和取消上课时间。
On the other hand, financial advisors that have engaged coaches who are process oriented and are delivering empirically-derived best practices have been shown to achieve considerable improvements in their businesses.
What is very remarkable is that 97% of the financial advisors who engaged a paid business coach are willing to be do it again. These financial advisors find they receive considerable value from business coaches.
process oriented 过程导向
empirically-derived 实证推导的
remarkable 引人注目的
There are a number of variations when it comes to best practices in the financial advisory universe. Business development initiatives are the most appealing and capable of having the greatest impact. “Most advisory professionals want to do a better job finding and working with wealthy clients. The most effective methods relate to networking and profiling because the skills complement one another allowing a practitioner to continually create and expand relationships for new business,” explains Hannah Shaw Grove, an expert on the high-net-worth markets and executive editor of Private Wealth magazine. “Many techniques work, but empirically-derived and field-proven methodologies that can quantify results are a great place to start.”
在理财顾问领域, 最佳实务范例有许多种类。业务拓展计划可谓是最吸引人和最具有影响力的一种。“大多数理财顾问希望寻找更多的富有客户并与之合作,而最有效的途径则包括人际关系网的构建与信息数据分析,因为这两个技能互为补充,可以让理财师持续拓展和开发新的业务关系。”个人财富杂志执行主编,高净值市场专家Hannah Shaw Grove说道。“对于理财师来说,许多技能都会对工作有所帮助,但经实证得出,实地应用验证过,可以量化结果的方法是理财师学习的很好开端”。
In conclusion, coaching can be very valuable and while there are quite a number of exceptional coaches and coaching programs for financial advisors, “The best results happen when the financial advisor is committed to improving and the coach is able to teach and facilitate,” says Scott West, managing director of Invesco Consulting.
总之,教练课程对理财师来说非常具有价值,当前存在许多优秀的理财师教练和培训课程,“如果理财师能够专注提升自己,同时教练很好地教导并督促学员,那么理财师就可以从教练课程中获得最佳结果。” Invesco Consulting 常务董事Scott West说道。
词汇解 析:
methodology 方法
quantify 量化
facilitate 促进