2017-07-17 12:54
China will likely avoid a financial crisis and is on track to reach high income status by 2027, according to a new Morgan Stanley report on the nation’s longer-term prospects titled "Why we are bullish on China."
The sweeping outlook comes amid growing concern over China’s surging debt levels, slow pace of reforms and the impact of a potential trade spat with the U.S. While acknowledging those concerns as legitimate, the analysts point to the country’s increasing shift into high value-added manufacturing and services that will play a central role in boosting per capita incomes to $12,900 over the next decade from $8,100 now.
摩根士丹利作出这一广泛展望之际,投资者正日益担忧中国的债务水平激增、改革步伐放缓以及可能与美国发生贸易摩擦的影响。摩根士丹利的分析师们虽然承认这些担忧是合理的,但他们指出,中国正在不断朝着高附加值制造业和服务业转型,这将在未来十年发生关键作用,促进人均收入从当前的8,100美元上升至 12,900美元。
prospect 前景 bullish on 看涨
outlook 展望 trade spat 贸易摩擦
If China manages to pull off that feat, it will join South Korea and Poland as the only large economies with a population of over 20 million to achieve that over the past three decades, Morgan Stanley said. The World Bank defines high-income economies as those with a gross national income of at least $12,476 per person.
There are other positives, too. Consumption and services are increasingly powering growth and proposed structural reforms such as the closure of uncompetitive state-owned enterprises will clear the way for new, high-value added industries in areas such as health care, education and environmental services, according to Morgan Stanley. That would spur the creation of a new generation of Chinese multinational corporations with significant presences both at home and abroad.
pull off 成功完成;努力实现
structural reform 结构性改革
feat 功绩;壮举 spur 激发
Low Risk 低风险
At the same time, the risk of a financial shock remains low even though overall debt soared to 279 percent of the economy last year from 147 percent in 2007. That’s because borrowing has been funded by China’s own savings and been used for investment. Strong net asset positions provide a buffer along with an ongoing current account surplus, high foreign reserves and the absence of significant inflationary pressures that would destabilize the financial system, according to the report.
A one-off devaluation of the yuan is also unlikely thoughthe currency will likely weaken further, according to Morgan Stanley.
soar 攀升 buffer 缓冲
one-off devaluation 一次性贬值
“中 国的债务和人均GDP水平起点较低(中国如今的债务与GDP的比例为日本1980年的水平,以购买力平价衡量的人均GDP是日本80年代中期的水平),” 分析师们写道。“不让人民币像日元在广场协议之后那样急剧升值,中国如今可以说处在更有利的位置,仍能实现高于全球水平的经济增长。”