2017-07-17 12:56
曾几何时,温哥华是备受中国投资者追捧的投资圣地。然而,自去年温哥华开征15% 的房产税以来,中国人到加拿大购房出现了戏剧性的转变。据中国最知名的海外置业网站居外网最新的分析数据,加拿大投资房产的中国潜在买家早已将目光从温哥华转向了另一个城市——西雅图。
For Chinese Home Buyers,
Seattle Is the New Vancouver
When Anna Riley,a Seattle-area real-estate agent, held an open house for a new $2.3 million listing in the tony city of Bellevue late last month, the pool of prospective buyers was different from the usual assortment of tech magnates, sports stars and chief executives.
上月末西雅图贝尔维新上市的一套标价230万美元的住房开放参观时,西雅图地区地产经纪人Anna Riley发现,潜在购房人并非以往的那些科技精英、体育明星或是企业高管。
prospective buyers 潜在买家
magnate 巨头;大亨
Chinese real-estate buyers are suddenly descending on the Seattle region. Some are lured by perceptions the coastal city is a bargain, others by warm memories of the 2013 Chinese film“Finding Mr. Right,” which put Seattle on the pop-culture radar there.
The biggest draw, though, might be the fact that it isn’t Vancouver. In August, the Canadian province of British Columbia imposed a 15% tax on foreign investment in the city, which until recently was a popular destination for Chinese.The tax applies to anyone who isn’t a citizen or permanent resident of Canada and buys a home in metro Vancouver.
lure 吸引;诱惑
imposed a 15% tax on 征收15%的税收
draw 吸引力
destination 目的地
The moves have had a chilling effect. Web searches in China for Vancouver properties dropped 37% in December compared with a year ago, according to Juwai.com, an online real-estate portal that targets Chinese home seekers.
have a chilling effect 对...产生冲击; 降温冷却
Seattle, by contrast, is red hot. Searches for Seattle properties in China jumped 125% year-over-year in November, after increasing 71% in October, according to Juwai. They rose 1.8% in December.
It is too early to quantify the effect of Chinese interest on Seattle’s home sales, and no one tracks the ethnicities of buyers in particular markets. But the sudden surge in interest in Seattle comes at a time when it already ranks among the nation’s hottest real-estate markets. It led the U.S. in home-price growth in November,according to a report released Tuesday by S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices, which found prices there increased by more than 10% over the same month in 2015.
把中国人的兴趣对西雅图房屋销售的影响进行量化仍为时尚早,也没有人在特定的市场追踪买家的来源地。但在中国购房者针对西雅图房产的兴趣突然升温之际,该城市已经是美国最热的房地产市场之一。S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices周二公布的数据显示,去年11月,西雅图房价涨幅在美国各城市中排名居前,该市房价较2015年11月上涨超过10%。
quantify 量化
ethnicity 种族
surge 攀升
Lili Shang, an agent at the Seattle-area agency, said she is seeing many Chinese families and investors looking to sell property in Vancouver and move their money to Seattle because of the tax. “I think people realize that Vancouver is no more a fun place to do investments,”she said.
Shang Lili 是西雅图地区一位房产经纪人,她说道,由于温哥华的房产税政策,许多家庭和投资者打算将他们在温哥华的房产卖掉,转战西雅图房产市场。“我认为人们已经意识到温哥华不再是以往的投资圣地。”她说道。